Minnesota Service Cooperatives’ KNOWLEDGE BOWL competitions are interdisciplinary academic contests designed for students in grades 7-12. During the contest, teams of students compete in written and oral rounds by answering questions related to all areas of learning, typical of secondary educational programs. Questions test students’ recall, problem solving, and critical thinking skills.
Teams consist of six (6) members only, including the alternate.
Only five members compete during the oral rounds. A member of each team is appointed as a spokesperson and this person should, if possible, give the answer for all questions. Other team members can feed the answers to the spokesperson. An alternate spokesperson may ONLY be designated prior to
expiration of time.
Teams of students compete in one written and three oral rounds of competition in this interdisciplinary event requiring quick recall and team work. Questions are taken from the standard curriculum for the grades. Teams participate in invitational, sub-regional, and regional events, and state competition for the HS.