The purpose of the ARTeam will be to provide students with a place and community in which to create and discuss art, to provide an opportunity to expand students’ experience with visual art and to serve as an information center for learning about art, art schools, art competitions, etc.
- Season- All Year (September-May)
- $20.00 each school year of participation
- Monthly meeting the first Wednesday of the month during Titan Time.
Everything else depends on how active they chose to be with ARTeam.
- Field Trips, Workshops, Sections During the day, some other activities are outside of school or on non school days.
Past example of ARTeam Field Trips and Events:
Minneapolis Institute of Art
Walker Art Center
Weisman Art Museum
Carnegie Art Center Mankato
St. Peter Art Center
Waseca Art Center
Foci Minnesota Center for Glass Arts
St. Olaf College
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Section 2A Art Festival
Hosting TCU Art Night each March